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Math crash courses - Finance and Insurance curricula

crash courses a.y. 2024-25


We are organizing crash-course in Mathematics dedicated to students planning to enroll in MSc program in Finance and Insurance (cv Finance and cv Insurance, in Italian). The lecture series will be taught by Prof. Patrì; classes will be held every day, Monday to Friday, from September 9 to 20, 2024. 

Attendance of the pre-courses is not compulsory, but strongly recommended to make the basic knowledge homogeneous among all students who will start attending the classes from September 23 onwards. 

The lectures will be delivered in-person, at the Aula di Matematica (Faculty of Economics, first floor), from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. On Sept. 16 and 19, lectures will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. 

The program is available in the attachment.

NEW! The link to reserve your place in the classroom can be found here



Crash courses - Financial Risk and Data Analysis curriculum


The Faculty of Economics offers pre-courses in quantitative and economic topics, addressed to all incoming freshmen in the MSc Programs in Finance and Insurance (cv Financial Risk and Data Analysis), Economics and Health Economics.

The courses will be taught in English, from Sept. 9 to 20, 2024, to prepare students to profitably take first-year courses. The mode of course delivery is hybrid (in-person and online). 
Participation in the pre-courses is strongly recommended, especially for students who do not possess specific training in quantitative and economic subjects. 
All information regarding course programs, class schedules and classrooms will be available among the attachments. 
The link for remote connection, for students who cannot attend in-person courses, will be available on this page as soon as possible. 

NEW! Crash courses start on 9 September, according to the following timetable: 

  • Micro and Macroeconomics from 9:00 to 13:00 in the Steve Room (located on the fifth floor of the Faculty) 
  • Mathematics from 14:00 to 16:00 in the Mathematics Room (located on the first floor of the Faculty)  
  • Statistics from 16:00 to 18:00 in the Mathematics Lecture Room (on the first floor of the Faculty).  


The programmes are available in the attachments. Here is the link to reserve your place in the lecture room. Here is the link for remote connection (Aula di Matematica, Maths and Statistics crash courses). 




crash courses a.y. 2023-24

We inform students of Finance and Insurance curricula (Italian)  that the Mathematics pre-courses will be held by  Prof. Patrì every day, from Monday to Friday, from 4 to 15 September 2023

Attendance at the pre-courses is not compulsory but strongly recommended. 

The lessons will be held in blended mode: in presence in Aula Matematica (Faculty of Economics, first floor) and at a distance via Meet link

The program is available in the attachments (Italian page). 

We further inform that students of Finance and Insurance curricula (Italian) may optionally also follow the microeconomics and macroeconomics pre-courses. 

crash courses a.y. 2022-23

The Faculty of Economics offers refreshment courses in Quantitative Methods and Macro and Microeconomics, addressed to all students starting the Master Programs in Finance and Insurance (cv Financial Risk and Data Analysis), Economics, Health Economics.

The preparatory courses are in English and aim to prepare students for profitably attending first-year courses.

The courses will be held both in person and in remote mode. The timetable and the programs are available in the attachment. 

Participation in the pre-courses is strongly recommended, particularly for students without specific training in quantitative and economic subjects.