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Public seminar 7 June 2022 - Michele Postigliola

Notice of public seminar by Dr. Michele Postigliola
pursuant to art. 11, paragraph 1, lett. k) of the Statute for the proposal to call a Researcher RTDB
for the SC 13/C1 - scientific-disciplinary sector SECS-P/12

Following the publication on the Transparency portal of the “Sapienza” University of Rome website of the D.R. 1797 of 30 May 2022, with which the acts relating to the selection procedure for the recruitment of n. 1 researcher RTDB SC 13/C1 - scientific-disciplinary sector SECS-P/12 at the Department of Methods and Models for Economy, Territory and Finance - we inform you that on June 7, 2022 from 9.00 to 10.00 am, Dr. Michele Postigliola will hold, at the Amintore Fanfani classroom of the Department, the seminar pursuant to art. 11, paragraph 1, lett. k) of the Statute on research activities carried out and in progress.

Seminar title: Istituzioni, finanza pubblica e scelte politiche nell’Italia post unitaria

Abstract - Curriculum

The seminar can also be followed remotely by accessing the following link:

Rome, 1 June 2022

The Director of the Department
Signed by Prof. Giorgio Alleva

Data notizia