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Seminario: 25 Novembre 2015 - Luca Riccetti

Mercoledì 25 Novembre 2015, h. 13:00 - presso la Sala Amministrazione del Dipartimento MEMOTEF (Sapienza Università di Roma, Via del Castro Laurenziano 9, Roma - Facoltà di Economia, 4° piano)

Luca Riccetti (Sapienza University of Rome)

terrà un seminario dal titolo: "FINANCIAL REGULATION IN AN AGENT-BASED MODEL"


"We explore the e ffects of banking regulation on fi nancial stability and macroeconomic dynamics in an agent-based computational model. In particular, we study the minimum level of capital and the lending concentration towards a single counterpart. We show that an overly tight regulation is dangerous because it reduces credit availability. By contrast, overly loose constraints, associated with a high payout ratio, increase financial fragility that, in turn, damage the real economy. Simulation results support the introduction of regulatory rules aimed at assuring an adequate capitalization of banks, such as the Capital Conservation Buff er (Basel III reform)."

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