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Newsletter MEMOTEF

Dear Reader,
I am pleased to launch the series of Newsletter of the Department of Methods and Models for Economics, Territory and Finance (MEMOTEF). This first issue aims to present a broad outline of the facilities, the scientific activities and the organization of our Department, which employs more than 50 researchers and university professors, and 20 staff units.
With the successive numbers we’ll enter into details of the research lines of our scientific research groups and the results achieved; present our courses of study, the Phd’s program, and other activities of higher education that we offer to not graduate students; describe our editorial proposals and announce, from time to time, our new initiatives such as seminars and conferences. Our goal is to disseminate our mission and the results of our work to a wider audience, not just academic, as well as to promote new and numerous collaborations with other national and international institutions, public and private that share our interests and know how to grasp the opportunities offered by MEMOTEF, a dynamic interdisciplinary research environment, which is animated by an excellent academic staff and supported by efficient and continually updated structures. I am confident that you will take a few minutes to scroll the number 0 of our newsletter and you’ll find interest to continue to follow us. I will also be pleased to welcome any comments and suggestions you’ll want to send.
Thanks and Welcome to MEMOTEF!

Alessandra De Rose