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The final exam consists in writing a theoretical and/or experimental thesis, discussing some specific themes characterizing the master's degree course.

The thesis must be carried out independently by the student, either in Italian or in English, under the guidance of a supervisor (belonging to the area council or authorized by it) and can be accomplished in collaboration with Italian and foreign, public and private, financial and actuarial institutions, companies or research centers.

The thesis is assigned to the student and, subsequently, delivered by the graduate student and approved by the supervisor through a specific online procedure. The final exam is awarded 21 ECTS.

The thesis must be discussed in the presence of a specific commission. The final mark is assigned by the commission, according to the guidelines established by the Didactic Area Council (CAD), available on the degree program web page. The guidelines must respect some criteria, such as the weighted average of the exams, the time taken to complete the degree program, the evaluation of the written report (in terms of effort, autonomy, accuracy, and quality of the results obtained) and the communication skills (in terms of clarity, completeness, and effectiveness of the synthesis of the work done).

The graduation mark is the sum of:
• the average expressed in one hundred and tenths achieved by the graduate student, rounded up if the decimal digit is greater than or equal to 5, otherwise the average will be rounded down;
• 1 point if the student has completed the degree program within the time allotted, 0 otherwise;
• 2 points if the average (in thirtieths) is greater than or equal to 28, 1 point if the average (in thirtieths) is greater than or equal to 26 and strictly less than 28, 0 otherwise;
• from 0 to 6 points established by the commission for the dissertation;
• 1 point (at the commission's discretion) for the presence of a co-supervisor.

For more information click on the following link .

It is strongly recommended to create the final presentation according to the following PowerPoint template.

The master's degree thesis can be written using the LaTeX markup language and the corresponding Sapienza package.

The calendar for the Master's Degree exams is available here