Top-level heading

Epidemiological emergency from COVID-19. Smart working

Taking into account the particular epidemiological emergency situation from COVID-19, in consideration of the suspension of teaching activities "in the presence", as provided by the DD.PP.CC.MM. of 8, 9 and 12 March 2020 and the Sapienza circulars of 03/10/2020 and 03/12/2020 on agile work in relation to the COVID-19 emergency, we inform you that the Department has proceeded

the activation of agile work-Smart Working- for all the Technical, Administrative and Library staff of the Department until April 3, 2020.

With the Circular of Sapienza of 04/01/2020 the agile work-Smart Working- for all the Technical, Administrative and Library staff of the Department has been extended until further notice.

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