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Seminario: 22 Marzo 2016 - Maria Rita Testa

European Doctoral School of Demography ​

Martedì 22 marzo, ore 14 ​presso l'Aula Fanfani (Sapienza Università di Roma, Via del Castro Laurenziano 9, Roma - Facoltà di Economia, 5°piano)

Maria Rita Testa (Senior researcher Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital -VID/OEAW, IIASA, WU-Vienna University of Economics and Business)​

terrà un seminario dal titolo: "Intentions and childbearing in contexts"

In European and other advanced societies people tend to have fewer children than they tell researchers they would like to have. The mismatch between fertility intentions and outcomes is at the heart of persistent low fertility. Using cross-country comparative data, I will address the issue of the correspondence between birth intentions and birth outcomes paying attention to interdependencies between intentions and outcomes in other life domains such as education, partnership, work, and residence. Life courses are considered in their structural and institutional context and looking at different societal and cultural settings. A special attention will be given to cross-country comparisons as well as to the relationship between individuals’ family size preferences and perceptions of their environmental context.

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