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Evento: 15 novembre 2016 - Zed Tarar

Cattedra di Lingua Inglese:
martedì 15 novembre, dalle ore 9.00 alle ore 11.00 - Aula 6A (Sapienza Università di Roma, Via del Castro Laurenziano 9, Roma - Facoltà di Economia, piano terra)

Invited Speaker: Zed Tarar (US Embassy Rome)

Titolo della presentazione: “Understanding Where Foreign Policy Fits in U.S. Internal Politics”

About Zed Tarar
Zed Tarar joined the Political Section at U.S. Embassy Rome in July, 2014. He is a Career Foreign Service Officer. His responsibilities at the embassy include a regional focus on the Middle East and Africa, and international arms control and nonproliferation. He works closely with counterparts at the Italian Foreign Ministry, Defense Ministry, and other foreign missions. He previously served in the Political Section at Embassy Abu Dhabi, UAE, in the Consular section at Consulate General Karachi, Pakistan, and most recently in Washington, D.C., with the Bureau of Near East Affairs. Before entering the Foreign Service he was a banker. Zed graduated summa cum laude with Distinction in International Relations from Boston University in 2005, where he met his wife. He speaks Urdu and Italian.

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