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Public seminar 01 december 2023 - Chiara Certoma’


Notice of public seminar by Prof. Chiara Certomà
pursuant to art. 11, paragraph 1, letter. k) of the Statute for the proposed call a fixed-term researcher in Tenure Track (RTT)
Competition Sector 11/B1 - Scientific Disciplinary Sector MGGR/02

On the Transparency portal of the “Sapienza” University of Rome website, Rectoral Decree no. 3193 of 11.22.2023 was published approving the documents of the Judging Commission which declared Professor Chiara Certomà the winner of the selection procedure for n. 1 fixed-term researcher position in Tenure Track (RTT) SC 11/B1 – SSD MGGR/02 – at the Department of Methods and models for economics, territory and finance – Faculty of Economics. We therefore inform you that on 01 December 2023, at 12.30 pm, Professor Chiara Certomà will hold the seminar, in the Di Fresco Room of the Department, pursuant to art. 11, paragraph 1, letter. k) of the Statute on the research activity carried out and in progress.

Project title: Rendere pubblica la scienza. Esplorazioni partecipative sugli intrecci della plastica con la vita nel Mar Mediterraneo.

Abstract - Curriculum

The seminar can also be followed remotely by accessing the following link:

Rome 27 November 2023

The Director of the Department
Signed by Prof. Donatella Strangio

Data notizia


Abstract (95.21 KB)
Curriculum (692.74 KB)