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Public seminar 14 December 2020 - Andrea Tancredi


Notice of public seminar by Prof. Andrea Tancredi
pursuant to art. 11, paragraph 1, letter k) of the Statute for the proposal to call a Full Professor
for the scientific-disciplinary sector SECS-S/01, competition sector 13/D1.

Rome 10 December 2020

Following the publication on the Transparency portal of the “Sapienza” University of Rome website of the D.R. n. 3124/2020 of 09/12/2020, with which the acts relating to the evaluation procedure for the coverage of n. 1 post of Full Professor of 1st level for the competition sector 13/D1 - scientific-disciplinary sector SECS-S/01 - at the Department of Methods and Models for Economics, Territory and Finance - Faculty of Economics - (code competition 2020POR011) we inform you that on 14 December 2020, at 09:30 am, Prof. Andrea Tancredi will hold the scientific seminar in the Amintore Fanfani Room of the Department pursuant to art. 11, paragraph 1, lett. k) of the Statute in which the main lines of research developed recently will be presented with an in-depth study on the theme “Bayesian inference for non standard models: computational issues and applications”.

The seminar can also be followed remotely by accessing the following link:

Rome 10.12.2020

The Director of the Department
Signed by Prof. Giorgio Alleva

Data notizia