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Public seminar 6 September 2022 - Viviana Gaballo

Notice of public seminar by Prof. Viviana Gaballo
pursuant to art. 11, paragraph 1, lett. k) of the Statute for the proposal to be cal an Associate Professor
for the scientific-disciplinary sector SECS L-LIN/12, competition sector 10/L1

On the Transparency portal of the "Sapienza" University of Rome, the Rector's Decree n.2178 of July 15, 2022 approving the acts of the Selection Committee was published, which declared Prof. Viviana Gaballo the winner of the selection procedure for a position of Associate Professor, pursuant to article 18 paragraph 1 of Law 240/2010, for the scientific-disciplinary sector SECS L-LIN / 12, competitive sector 10 / L1- at the Department of Methods and models for economics, the territory and finance - Faculty of Economics. Therefore, we inform you that on 6 September 2022, at 11.00, Prof. Viviana Gaballo will hold the seminar in accordance with art. 11, paragraph 1, lett. k) of the Statute on research activities carried out and in progress.

Seminar title: Data-based cross-linguistic and cross-cultural research: contributions for the industry, society and education

This seminar illustrates the interaction and mutual contribution of the data-based cross-linguistic and cross-cultural research conducted in the past years to the world of industry, society at large and education, in particular. In order to illustrate it, three case studies will be presented: 1) the first case is based on the european project “chetch – china and europe taking care of healthcare solutions”, in which the business models of european pharmaceutical firms operating in china were investigated from the economic, legal and communicative perspectives together with other colleagues from the economics & law dept; 2) the second case focuses on the conceptualization and designation of culture-bound terms from specialized text types, and on how to develop language and translation competence in content and language integrated classes (examples from the language of contracts and the language of industry will be presented); 3) the third case revolves around intercultural competence in a globalized context, and specifically analyses language classes based on the integration of language and content while applying on-site and remote collaboration in a multilingual environment. Current research will also be briefly introduced, e.g., the investigation of corporate discourse in csr reporting, in order to highlight any phraseological patterns that may expose the ideology behind the good stakeholders' representation. The methodology applied combines the framework proposed by phraseology, cognitive linguistics, and critical discourse analysis, against the background of corpus linguistics and functional grammar, and accounts for both quantitative text description and qualitative text analysis.

The seminar can also be followed remotely by accessing the following link:

Rome 29 August 2022

The Director of the Department
Signed by Prof. Giorgio Alleva

Data notizia
