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Seminar: The Economic Social and Trade Policy Section of the British Embassy meets the Faculty - 6th March, 2024



The Economic Social and Trade Policy Section of the British Embassy meets the Faculty

“The Italy-UK economic relationship: a comparison of economic and social trends”

Opening Remarks:
Giovanni Di Bartolomeo Dean of the Faculty of Economics
Giorgio Alleva Dept. Memotef, Faculty of Economics

Philip Brown Economic Counsellor BE Rome
Chris Wordsworth First Secretary Economic Governance BE Rome

followed by:
Novella Maugeri Economist, British Embassy Rome, presenting the Embassy’s Internship Programme (tirocini curriculari)

Sala Tesi, second floor, Faculty of Economics
via del Castro Laurenziano 9 - Rome
Sapienza University of Rome
6th March, 2024, 14.00 - 15.30


Data notizia


Poster (793 KB)