XIV MEMOTEF Research Day
26-27 March 2024
Istituto Nazionale di Studi Romani, Piazza dei Cavalieri di Malta 2, 00153 Rome
On Tuesday 26 and Wednesday 27 of March 2024, the MEMOTEF Department will be promoting an event that has reached its 14th edition: XIV Giornate della Ricerca MEMOTEF (GdR2024). These are two research days that see the Department engaged in exchanging and sharing the various themes explored by its individual members and/or its research groups, also in collaboration with external bodies.
The event has an informal flavor and has the following objectives: to present the main active research lines, with their state of progress, and discuss the results achieved; to discuss and define potential lines of research to be undertaken and future projects; to bring out interdisciplinary ideas and topics for possible collaborations between the different areas (think for example of possible ideas for intercepting research funds); and to express concrete needs that could be addressed by other areas.
The days are organized on the basis of a series of mixed and thematic sessions, including a poster session, and semi-structured or free discussions. Presentations can be in Italian or English, while slides should preferably be in English.
Contributions by:
Alleva G, Arcagni A, Armenise M, Bei G, Brollo B, Buttarazzi M, Castellano F, Ceci C, Cipolloni M, Cinfrignini A,
Cristofalo A, D’Agata A, Deliu N, De Rose A, Di Feliciantonio C, Di Stefano R, Falaguasta C, Falorsi PD, Feraldi A,
Foroni B, Fortunato C, Gemmiti R, Giudici C, Guagnano G, Incelli E, Liseo B, Nardozi M, Oliva I, Onorati P,
Palestini A, Paparusso A, Radici AM, Salvati L, Salvo C, Salvucci G, Scognamiglio G, Stefani I, Strangio D, Tancredi A
Scientific and Organizing Committee:
Arcagni A, D’Agata A, Deliu N, Di Feliciantonio C, Di Stefano R, Fortunato C, Frezza M,
Leoncini Bartoli A, Marconi S, Martire AL, Salvo C, Solimene S, Trappolini E, Vitale D
For more information, please contact the event coordinator: Nina Deliu (nina.deliu@uniroma1.it).
Cover image created by Nina Deliu and Augusto Frascatani in A.I. with Deep Dream Generator, by entering: #mathematics #statistics #research #geography #science #formulas #workshop