XIII MEMOTEF Research Day - 27-28 June 2023
at the Italian Geographic Society, via della Navicella, 12 - Rome, Palazzetto Mattei in Villa Celimontana
Interventions by:
G.Alleva, D.Angelini, A.Arcagni, M.F.Arezzo, M.Basili, S.Bianchi,
G.Bianchi, E.Bruno, M.Bucarelli, M.Buttarazzi, C.Ceci, F.Celata,
A.Cinfrignini, M.Cipolloni, L.Collina, A.De Rose, N.Deliu, R.Di Stefano,
C. Falaguasta, S.Fontana, B.Foroni, V.Gaballo, E. Gioia, C. Giudici,
I. Guadagnoli, E.Incelli, B.Liseo, D.Mancinelli, S.Marconi, A.Palestini,
S.Patrì, C.Petrillo, A.M.Radici, F.Ricca, M.Rota, G.Scognamiglio,
R.C.Spani, A. Tancredi, E.Trappolini, D.Vitale
The Memotef Department is organizing the Research Days again this year. The event represents an opportunity to meet, to inform on the topics studied in depth by individual teachers/researchers or research groups and on their progress, to report new topics that they intend to address, to discuss the results achieved and the lines of research to undertake.
This year, the event will be held on 27-28 June 2023, at the Italian Geographic Society (Palazzetto Mattei in Villa Celimontana, via della Navicella 12, Rome).
The Memotef Research Days 2023 will be organized through a series of thematic and/or mixed sessions, at the end of which there will be moments dedicated to workshops and free discussions.
For more information, contact the Organizing Committee of the Research Days directly
Business Economics: Silvia Solimene (silvia.solimene@uniroma1.it)
Economic Geography: Daniela Festa (daniela.festa@uniroma1.it)
Languages: Marco Cipolloni (marco.cipolloni@uniroma1.it)
Mathematics: Antonio Martire (antonioluciano.martire@uniroma1.it) - Imma Oliva (immacolata.oliva@uniroma1.it)
Statistics/Economic statistics: Nina Deliu (nina.deliu@uniroma1.it) - Domenico Vitale (domenico.vitale@uniroma1.it)
Social statistics/Demography: Eleonora Trappolini (eleonora.trappolini@uniroma1.it)
Economic and political histor: Michele Postigliola (michele.postigliola@uniroma1.it)
iImmagine di copertina realizzata in A.I. con Deep Dream Generator, inserendo: #methods, #models, #economics, #territory, #finance, #geography, #history, #statistics, #mathematics, #languages