- Financial Education Seminar Series - 14 October 2024
“Come nasce e come viene costruito un prodotto del Risparmio Postale” L’esempio del Buono Fruttifero Postale - Public seminar 08 October 2024 - Massimo Bucarelli
Seminar for the call in accordance with art. 11, paragraph 1, lett. k of the Statute - Public seminar 08 October 2024 - Massimiliano Frezza
Seminar for the call in accordance with art. 11, paragraph 1, lett. k of the Statute - Seminar: Jasmina Djordjevic - 09 July 2024
Dynamic Bankruptcy - Seminar: Anne Villamil - 27 June 2024
Dynamic Bankruptcy - Seminar: Nicholas C. Yannelis - 27 June 2024
On the limit points of an infinitely repeated rational expectations equilibrium - Seminar: Filippo Menga - 20 June 2024
Thirst: The Global Quest to Solve the Water Crisis - Seminar: William Fisher Rosenberger - 14 June 2024
Casual Inference for Clinical Trails: A Spellchecker’s Guide to Randomization Tests in Complex Settings - Seminar: Alberto Vanolo - 10 June 2024
The Nocturnal Gaze and the Geographies of the Urban Night - Seminar: Katherine Brickell, Sarah Marie Hall, Miriam Tola, Marcella Corsi - 03 June 2024
Doing Feminist Economic Geographies - Seminar: Paolo Pellizzari - 30 May 2024
Financial markets with too much information: simulation and analysis of an agent-based model - Seminar: Paolo Di Martino - 28 May 2024
I distretti industriali in Europa e in Italia - Seminar: Amy Horton - 09 May 2024
Feminist Economic Geographies of Social Infrastructures - Seminars: Alexandra M. Schmidt, Tony O’Hagan - 23 april 2024
Seminars in Statistics - Seminar: David Carretta, Mario Del Pero - 11 April 2024
Elezioni 2024. Tra Strasburgo e Washington quale futuro per le relazioni euro-atlantiche? - Seminar: Marco Minniti, Davide Tabarelli - 04 April 2024
Tra energia e migrazioni: il “nostro futuro” euromediterraneo - Seminar: Lidia Manzo - 11 April, 2024
Gentrification and Diversity - Seminar: Giovanna Cigliano, Giulio Terzi di Sant'Agata - 21 March 2024
Il ritorno della guerra: i conflitti in Ucraina e Medio Oriente e il nuovo (dis)ordine internazionale - Seminar: Simone Pieranni, Guido Samarani - 14 March 2024
La sfida cinese fra economia e geopolitica - Seminar: Filippo Celata - 20 March 2024
Reclaming 'Other' Critical Traditions: Geografia Democratica. - Seminar: Agustin Cocola-Gant - 07 March 2024
Short-Term Rentals and Touristification in Southern European Cities. - Public seminar 08 March 2024 - Francesca Panero
Seminar for the call in accordance with art. 11, paragraph 1, lett. k of the Statute - Seminar: The Economic Social and Trade Policy Section of the British Embassy meets the Faculty - 6th March, 2024
“The Italy-UK economic relationship: a comparison of economic and social trends” - Public seminar 08 February 2024 - Alessandro Feraldi
Seminar for the call in accordance with art. 11, paragraph 1, lett. k of the Statute - Public seminar 01 december 2023 - Chiara Certoma’
Seminar for the call in accordance with art. 11, paragraph 1, lett. k of the Statute - Seminars: Today's Challenges and Historical Responses: The Interplay of Innovation, Labor, Policies, and Wealth - 23 novembre 2023
Speakers: Carla Salvo, Mauro Rota, Jacob Weisdorf, Michele Battisti, Joseph Zeira - Public seminar 20 November 2023 - Elena Ambrosetti
Seminar for the call in accordance with art. 11, paragraph 1, lett. k of the Statute - Seminar: 29 November 2023 - Karin Pallaver
Talk about Africa - Seminar: 22 November 2023 - Vittorio Daniele
The country divided. North and South in the History of Italy - Public seminar 06 November 2023 - Valeria D’amato
Seminar for the call in accordance with art. 11, paragraph 1, lett. k of the Statute - Seminar: 12 September 2023 - Garry Carnegie
Taming the black elephant”: Assessing and managing the impacts of COVID-19 on public universities in Australia - Seminar: 11 September 2023 - Garry Carnegie
Redefining accounting for tomorrow - Public seminar 15 March 2023 - Daniela Anna Festa
Seminar for the call in accordance with art. 11, paragraph 1, lett. k of the Statute - Public seminar 15 March 2023 - Eleonora Trappolini
Seminario per la chiamata ai sensi dell'art. 11, comma 1, lett. k dello Statuto - Public seminar 15 March 2023 - Silvia Marconi
Seminar for the call in accordance with art. 11, paragraph 1, lett. k of the Statute - Public seminar 17 January 2023 - Antonio Luciano Martire
Seminar for the call in accordance with art. 11, paragraph 1, lett. k of the Statute - Public seminar 17 January 2023 - Roberta Di Stefano
Seminar for the call in accordance with art. 11, paragraph 1, lett. k of the Statute - Seminar: 2 March 2023 - Maurizio Babini
La ricerca terminologica: teoria e metodi - Seminar: 1 March 2023 - Maurizio Babini
La terminologia della comunicazione aziendale - Seminar: 24 January 2023 - Massimo Bucarelli and Giulia Bianchi
L'Europa e la Russia: alcune riflessioni sulle origini del conflitto in Ucraina - Seminar: 10 January 2023 - Marco Oliverio
Verso l’eccellenza del dipartimento - Public seminar 15 November 2022 - Domenico Vitale
Seminar for the call in accordance with art. 11, paragraph 1, lett. k of the Statute - Seminar: 08 November 2022 - Angelo Lorenti
Life course determinants and consequences of retirement - Seminar: 06 October 2022 - Silvana Bartoletto
Energy and financial crises - Public seminar 6 September 2022 - Viviana Gaballo
Seminar for the call in accordance with art. 11, paragraph 1, lett. k of the Statute - Public seminar 4 July 2022 - Claudia Ceci
Seminar for the call in accordance with art. 11, paragraph 1, lett. k of the Statute - Seminar: 16 June 2022 - Soumaya Abdellatif
Forced migration: the case of Syrian refugees in Tunisia - Public seminar 7 June 2022 - Michele Postigliola
Seminar for the call in accordance with art. 11, paragraph 1, lett. k of the Statute - Public seminar 7 June 2022 - Alberto Giovanni Arcagni
Seminar for the call in accordance with art. 11, paragraph 1, lett. k of the Statute - Lesson and public seminar 23 and 25 May 2022 - Ersilia Incelli
Lesson and Seminar for the call in accordance with art. 11, paragraph 1, lett. k of the Statute - Seminar: 16 May 2022 - Maria Silvana Salvini
Globalizzazione e Popolazione - Seminars: 17 and 25 May 2022 - Alberto Rinaldi and Paolo Di Martino
Cycle of Seminars in Business History - History and evolution of business models course (Prof. Mauro Rota) - Seminar: 16 March 2022 - Hans Sjögren
Profiles of entrepreneurial success during two centuries. The case of Sweden, with comparisons to Italy - Public seminar 02 March 2022 - Mauro Rota
Seminar for the call in accordance with art. 11, paragraph 1, lett. k of the Statute - Public seminar 16 February 2022 - Luca Salvati
Seminar for the call in accordance with art. 11, paragraph 1, lett. k of the Statute - Public seminar 6 dicembre 2021 - Marta Pasqualini
Seminar for the call in accordance with art. 11, paragraph 1, lett. k of the Statute - Public seminar 6 December 2021 - Nina Deliu
Seminar for the call in accordance with art. 11, paragraph 1, lett. k of the Statute - Public seminar 6 December 2021 - Marina Zannella
Seminar for the call in accordance with art. 11, paragraph 1, lett. k of the Statute - Seminar: December 17, 2021 - Sandra de Pleijt
Female autonomy generates superstars in long-term human capital development: Evidence from 16th to 19th century Europe - Seminar: December 10, 2021 - Gabriele Cappelli
Were there missing girls in Liberal Italy? Evidence from a new dataset, 1861-1921 - Seminar: December 9, 2021 - Carlo Ciccarelli
Notes on the rate of regional industrial growth in Italy 1861-1913 - Public seminar 16 November 2021 - Vanessa Leonardi
Seminar for the call in accordance with art. 11, paragraph 1, lett. k of the Statute - Public seminar 14 September 2021 - Immacolata Olivia
Seminar for the call in accordance with art. 11, paragraph 1, lett. k of the Statute - Public seminar 13 July 2021 - Filippo Celata
Seminar for the call in accordance with art. 11, paragraph 1, lett. k of the Statute - Public seminar 15 june 2021 - Antonio Pacifico
Seminar for the call in accordance with art. 11, paragraph 1, lett. k of the Statute - Public seminar 14 june 2021 - Massimiliano Frezza
Seminar for the call in accordance with art. 11, paragraph 1, lett. k of the Statute - Public seminar 18 May 2021 - Venere Stefania Sanna
Seminar for the call in accordance with art. 11, paragraph 1, lett. k of the Statute - Public seminar 14 December 2020 - Andrea Tancredi
Seminar for the call in accordance with art. 11, paragraph 1, lett. k of the Statute - Seminar: November 12, 2020 - Valerio Cerretano
Comparative European Institutions and the Little Divergence, 1385-1800 - Public seminar 5 October 2020 - Roberta Gemmiti
Seminar for the call in accordance with art. 11, paragraph 1, lett. k of the Statute - Public seminar 23 july 2020 - Marco Geraci
Seminar for the call in accordance with art. 11, paragraph 1, lett. k of the Statute - Public seminar 20 April 2020 - Arsen Palestini
Seminar for the call in accordance with art. 11, paragraph 1, lett. k of the Statute - Seminar: March 4, 2020 - Nuno Palma
Comparative European Institutions and the Little Divergence, 1385-1800 - Seminar: February 21, 2020 - Adriana Conti Puorger
Seminar in accordance with art. 11, paragraph 1, lett. k of the Statute - Seminar: February 18, 2020 - Nicolas Brouard
Multistate models for the dummies: IMaCh software and backward projections - Seminar: 28th October 2019 - Sergio Bianchi
Seminar for the call in accordance with art. 11, paragraph 1, lett. k of the Statute - Seminar: 10th October 2019 - David Webster
Director of the Center for Educational Innovation, SOAS University of London, will hold a seminar - Seminar: 15th July 2019 - Vincenzo Candila
Seminar for the call in accordance with art. 11, paragraph 1, lett. k of the Statute - Seminar: 16th July 2019 - Gabriele Stabile
Seminar for the call in accordance with art. 11, paragraph 1, lett. k of the Statute - Seminar: 16th July 2019 - Barbara Vantaggi
Seminar for the call in accordance with art. 11, paragraph 1, lett. k of the Statute - Seminar: 15th July 2019 - Davide Di Cecco
Seminar for the call in accordance with art. 11, paragraph 1, lett. k of the Statute - Seminars UNESCO Chair: 26 June 2019 - Elena Ambrosetti
Seminars UNESCO Chair - Seminar: 12 June 2019 - Marco Geraci
Mid-quantile regression for discrete responses - Seminar: 27th May 2019 - Michele Postigliola
Seminar for the call in accordance with art. 11, paragraph 1, lett. k of the Statute - Seminar: 24th May 2019 - Cristina Giudici
Seminar for the call in accordance with art. 11, paragraph 1, lett. k of the Statute - Seminar: 10 April 2019 - Alberto Giovanni Arcagni
Seminar for the call in accordance with art. 11, paragraph 1, lett. k of the Statute - Seminar: The security in network between threats and opportunities - 04 March 2019
The risk, the crime, the ethics and the norm. New Scenarios - Seminar: 1st February 2019 - Immacolata Oliva
Seminar for the call in accordance with art. 11, paragraph 1, lett. k of the Statute - Seminars: 29 November 2018 - Maria Rita Testa, Cinzia Conti
Demography Seminars - Seminar: 27 November 2018 - Giorgio Alleva
La statistica e l’informazione statistica ufficiale: un grande valore per sapersi orientare e prendere decisioni consapevoli. - Seminar: 18 June 2018 - Fabio Baione
Public seminar pursuant to art. 11, paragraph 1, lett. K of the Statute - Seminar: 17 July 2018 - Maria Felice Arezzo
Seminar for the call in accordance with art. 11 lett. k) and art. 12 lett. c) of the University Statute - Seminar: 18 June 2018 - Mauro Rota
Public seminar pursuant to art. 11, paragraph 1, lett. K of the Statute - Seminar: 15-16 June 2018 - Bénédicte Pincemin
Textométrie: notions théoriques et applications pratiques - Seminar: 07 May 2018 - Marta Nai Ruscone
Model-based Clustering with R-vine - Seminar: 24 April 2018 - Anthony Masi
The Jobs Act: a policy solution behind the time or ahead of the curve - Seminars: April 19 and May 03-10-17, 2018 - Thursday of Tourism (ECOTURS)
Series of Seminars with CFU - Seminars: 22,23,24 January - James O. Berger
Series of seminars on: Bayesian Model Selection