26-27 marzo 2024
Istituto Nazionale di Studi Romani, Piazza dei Cavalieri di Malta 2, 00153 Roma
Day 1: March 26, 2024
10:00-10:30 Opening of the XIV Giornate della Ricerca MEMOTEF (Photo)
- A Polimeni: Welcome speech by Magnifica Rettrice (Photo)
- D Strangio: Welcome speech by the Head of the MEMOTEF Department (Photo)
- G Platania: Welcome speech by the President of Istituto Nazionale di Studi Romani (Photo)
- R Gemmiti, A De Rose: The Annals of the Department: news and dissemination strategies (Photo)
10:30-11:30 Session 1. Population Dynamics: Migration, Socioeconomic Disparities and Well-being (Photo)
- D Strangio, M Armenise, G Salvucci: La migrazione italiana dall’Unità al 1925. Applicazione del modello gravitazione ai flussi migratori (Slide - Photo)
- A Arcagni, A Paparusso: Poset-based analysis of mental well-being of immigrants and natives in Europe (Slide - Photo)
- A Feraldi: Socioeconomic Inequalities and Smoking-Related Differences in Healthy Working Life Expectancy: An Examination Using U.S. Population-based Estimates from the Health and Retirement Study at Age 50 (Slide - Photo)
- C Fortunato, E Ambrosetti, H Dietrich: Uncertainty about future, stay, onward or backward migration: An exploration of the complex dynamics of refugees’ (im)mobility aspirations and uncertainty from original survey data (Slide - Photo)
11:30-12:45 Session 2. Energy Considerations and Environmental In-justice (Photo)
- I Oliva, M Ventura: Who can benefit from Multi-license Oil Concessionaires Valuation? (Slide - Photo)
- E Incelli: Framing the energy transition and the clean green paradigm. A corpus-assisted approach (Slide - Photo)
- R Gemmiti, MR Prisco, G Bressan, G Scognamiglio, D Ietri: Una montagna di idee. Le aree montane tra sostenibilità, transizione energetica, turismo e conflitti ambientali (Slide - Photo)
- B Foroni, L Merlo, L Petrella: Hidden Markov graphical models with generalized hyperbolic distributions: a financial analysis on commodities and green energy indexes (Slide - Photo)
- G Scognamiglio: Mapping environmental in-justice: Analysis of 'sacrifice zones' in Campania, Italy (Slide - Photo)
14:15-15:15 Session 3. Optimizing Decision-making under Uncertainty (Photo)
- C Ceci, K Colaneri: Portfolio and reinsurance optimization under unknown market price of risk (Slide - Photo)
- I Stefani, I Oliva: Dynamic portfolio optimization with stochastic investment opportunities and discontinuities (Slide - Photo)
- N Deliu: Reinforcement learning for sequential decision-making problems: from healthcare to finance (Slide - Photo)
- A Cinfrignini, D Petturiti, B Vantaggi: Bid-ask option pricing under Dempster-Shafer uncertainty (Slide - Photo)
15:15-16:00 Session 4. Trends in the City (Photo)
- G Bei: The spatial effect of short-term rental regulations: the comparison between Barcelona and Paris (Slide - Photo)
- B Brollo: Mid-term rentals and the Airbnbification of housing (Slide - Photo)
- L Salvati, E Bruno, A D’Agata, G Salvucci: Hierarchy and the city: evidence from spatial econometrics of Zipf's, Taylor's and other laws (Slide - Photo)
16:30-17:15 Discussion Session: Food for Thought (Slide - Photo)
Day 2: March 27, 2024
10:00-11:00 Session 5. Maths and Stats (Photo)
- B Liseo, V Ballerini, R Barone: The Wallenius-Poisson process (Slide - Photo)
- A Palestini, S Patrì: Remarks on the computation of some convergent sums (Slide - Photo)
- P Onorati, B Liseo: Modified Gaussian processes for nonparametric binary regression (Slide - Photo)
- M Buttarazzi, G Stabile, T De Angelis: Optimal annuitization and bequest motives (Slide - Photo)
11:00-12:00 Poster Time: Lightning talks with a cup of coffee (Photo)
- A D’Agata, L Salvati: Assessing the spatial coherence of forest cover indicators from different data sources: a contribution to sustainable development reporting (Slide - Poster - Photo)
- C Falaguasta, L Ferrone: Multidimensional vulnerability to SLR. Test case of Madagascar (Poster - Photo)
- G Guagnano, MF Arezzo, D Vitale: A two-part Beta regression model with measurement error (Poster - Photo)
- C Giudici: ReMIG - A concerted policy statement on migrations (Poster - Photo)
- G Scognamiglio, G Bressan, MR Prisco, R Gemmiti: Esplorando la complessità socio-ambientale. Il caso dei Siti di Interesse Nazionale (Poster - Photo)
- Stanza 428 e MEMOTEF: The research wheel (Poster - Photo)
12:00-13:00 Session 6. Health, Housing and Cultural Exchanges (Photo)
- C Di Feliciantonio: Ageing with HIV in England, Italy and Spain: a life-course perspective (Slide - Photo)
- A Cristofalo, E Trappolini: Housing tenure trajectories and health in later life across Europe (Slide - Photo)
- F Castellano: Geographies of innovation, inventors' mobility, human capital concentration and spatial justice: the case of mRNA anti-covid vaccines (Slide - Photo)
- M Cipolloni: Oestes-espagueti: mercato e cultura delle coproduzioni cinematografiche italo-spagnole nella Spagna tardo-franchista (Photo)
14:15-15:00 Session 7. Statistical Methods and Models with their Applications (Photo)
- A Tancredi, D Di Cecco: Species sampling with misidentification: a Bayesian approach (Slide - Photo)
- R Di Stefano, G Resce: The determinants of missed funding: predicting the paradox of increased need and reduced allocation (Slide - Photo)
- P D Falorsi, G Alleva, N Deliu, S Falorsi, Chianella D: Linearization approach for measuring the accuracy of multinomial outcomes from a statistical register (Slide - Photo)
15:00-15:45 Session 8. Labour and Investments (Photo)
- AM Radici, A Ascani, A Cerqua: The global geopolitics of foreign direct investments (Slide - Photo)
- C Salvo, J Weisdorf, L Ridolfi: The effect of mechanisation on labour: evidence from the diffusion of steam power (Slide - Photo)
- M Nardozi: Il ruolo dell'Eritrea e il contributo degli imprenditori italiani nel quadro dell'AOI e dell'amministrazione britannica (1934-1953) (Slide - Photo)
15.45 Closing of the XIV Giornate della Ricerca MEMOTEF (Photo)
- D Strangio: Closing speech by the Head of the MEMOTEF Department (Photo)
Immagine di copertina realizzata da Nina Deliu e Augusto Frascatani in A.I. con Deep Dream Generator, inserendo: #mathematics #statistics #research #geography #science #formulas #workshop