Top-level heading


The scientific research of the Department focuses on the following areas which are closely connected to each other:

Probability and Statistical Theory which includes the building and application of statistical and probability models for economic and social sciences and for the analysis of financial markets; parametric inference; computational bayesian tecniques; sampling; data analysis methods; models of historical series.

Mathematical and Computational Models for Economics, Finance and Insurance
which includes mathematical, computational, deterministic and stochastic models and their applications to economic decisions, finance, actuarial sciences and social security. Among the main methods and models studied: optimization and optimal control; Markov and semi-Markov models; dynamical systems; decision theory, game theory, risk theory.

Methods for Business Administration
which includes operational research and statistical methods for the management of firms and financial intermediaries; text and data mining.

Methods for Social Research, Population and Policy Analysis
which includes methods of analysis for economic and social data; demographic analysis and population models; equilibrium models for welfare systems; methodology for social research; evaluation methods and monitoring of public policies.

Methods for Linguistic Research and Foreign Languages and Cultures
which includes lexical and morpho-pragmatic analysis of specialized language, the study of linguistic variation; genre and discourse analysis; intercultural communication; analysis of text types using corpus linguistics methodology.

Methods and models for the research in the fields of historical economics and economic history, with special reference to the history of finance, of the institutional change, of tourism, and of the evolution of the Southern Italy. At macroeconomic level: the analysis of the conditions that may favor economic development and growth; At the microeconomic level: the analysis of the institutions and of the local fiscal system. Moreover, our studies relate to the financial and monetary policies with particular attention, both from the theoretical and empirical, to the issues of economic integration and convergence processes in Europe; Finally, we also cover, following the cliometric approach, the analysis of historical macroeconometrics through the use of the analysis of univariate and multivariate time series and panel cointegration methods.

Geographical methods for economics
which includes research about regional and urban development, environmental and social sustainability, and the geography of tourism. A specific focus is devoted to the spatial organization of economic activities and on the analysis of public policies. Methodologies are both qualitative and quantitative, including the use of GIS for regional and spatial analysis. Beside the publishing activity, the Department coordinates relevant national and European research projects on those topics, and teaching activities at any level: graduate, post-graduate, PhD and Postdoc.